Can I just say that "Miss Saigon" had one of the best cast EVER?!!!! Anywhere I go, I can always call, email, or post on FB and get responses where we all get together and have a fabulous time catching up and just seeing where we all are these days!
Today was no exception. The boys and I met up with Joe Foronda, MoonHi Hansen, and Keith Byron Kirk at the Corner Bakery here in Chicago. MoonHi is here visiting her parents. She grew up here and went to college here, but lives in L.A. as a video editor. Keith is working on his Ph.D. at NorthWestern Univ. and is doing great!!! Joe lives here with his kids, who are all grown up now, and is still one amazing actor and musician. The boys are always impressed with the amount of people we know when we travel to various cities. Since Greg was working the show, we caught up till he met up with us after the matinee. Then Bob Billig and Steve Landau came by to say hello as they were done (conductor and assistant) with the show as well. They work on the same show as Greg. It still amazes me how we all just get right back to where we left off and catch each other up. It has been 10 years since the 2nd Nat'l closed and 11+/- yrs. since the B'way show closed. If you have done "Miss Saigon" with either Nat'l tour or B'way, you are considered family. Also meeting up with us later was Mike Flanigan and Melinda Chua. We had the best time!!! Thanks goodness for friends and "family".
By this point, our boys were beyond themselves (we were there for 4 hours). They were given m&m cookies and hot cocoa and they were zinging from their seats by the time we were ready to leave. The sugar or something must have hit. It was wild!! So, off Greg and I went to feed them. We took the subway back to our place and stopped into Giordano's Pizza. It truly is the best Chicago pizza!!! We had a lot to eat and they eventually calmed down. Now, Greg and I had some "drinks" that seemed to help the zaniness of our boys. LOL!!!

Great night and more tomorrow as we head to the Field Museum.

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