What a whirlwind this holiday has been for us. As you know, my husband is on the road with a B'way Tour and so it brought us to Chicago for Thanksgiving (previous posts). The Christmas holiday was in D.C. I literally had 10 days to unpack, launder the clothes, X'mas shop (thank goodness for online shopping), pack up and go.
Did I get X'mas cards out? Nope. This is a first for me. I decided that I don't have to kill myself if I skip one season. Not only was I busy, but I came down with a horrible cough/cold that has lasted for a month now. Yup, still coughing, but not as much and feeling better. Needless to say, my entries in D.C. sacrificed due to lack of sleep and illness. sigh.
Things are looking up and so onward to my blog about D.C. First and foremost, the airline. We took Virgin America. Why? Prices were incredibly good. They were quite pleasant. Their website markets how they have a lot of amenities for the flier, but don't think they are for free. Everything has a price. They were running a special so it was nice to get free wifi, but movies were $8, video games $3(?), there was satellite tv for free, meals ranged from $8 - $10. Luckily, I had poked around the website long enough to see these prices and headed straight out the door to Trader Joe's.
I love Trader Joe's. It has been my staple since my college days in L.A. However, since my boys have nut allergies, my visits to Trader Joe's has been cut down by about 50% due to their products being "shared on equipment that has been in contact with nuts, tree nuts, etc." But, I love their ready-made lunches. So, I bought some for myself and tried to find the ones that my kids would eat. There wasn't much for them, so I made them their meals in our 5 hour long flight. Food, snacks, games (yes, the DS does come in handy) all contribute to a worry-free, tantrum-free flight.
We arrived in D.C. and I ordered car service again since we arrived in Dulles Airport which is about 45 minutes away from Downtown D.C. It would have been the same price for a taxi. The Townecars are so much more comfortable and the service is amazing which takes the stress off of me trying to move 3 large suitcases with 2 little ones beside me. I figured I had saved money on the flight by not ordering anything. So, this is some advice......it's well worth it!
We stayed at the Residence Inn by Marriott. It's one of our most favorite places to stay besides Embassy Suites. These two places are the best places to stay when you have a family. They offer a full complimentary breakfast everyday of the week and 3 nights out of the 7 you receive a full complimentary dinner. The employees are as nice as can be and they all love children. It just can't be beat. They had an indoor swimming pool which I knew would come in handy to burn off energy when needed.
I will continue this post as I must attend to the little darlings now.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We Are Family!!!

Can I just say that "Miss Saigon" had one of the best cast EVER?!!!! Anywhere I go, I can always call, email, or post on FB and get responses where we all get together and have a fabulous time catching up and just seeing where we all are these days!
Today was no exception. The boys and I met up with Joe Foronda, MoonHi Hansen, and Keith Byron Kirk at the Corner Bakery here in Chicago. MoonHi is here visiting her parents. She grew up here and went to college here, but lives in L.A. as a video editor. Keith is working on his Ph.D. at NorthWestern Univ. and is doing great!!! Joe lives here with his kids, who are all grown up now, and is still one amazing actor and musician. The boys are always impressed with the amount of people we know when we travel to various cities. Since Greg was working the show, we caught up till he met up with us after the matinee. Then Bob Billig and Steve Landau came by to say hello as they were done (conductor and assistant) with the show as well. They work on the same show as Greg. It still amazes me how we all just get right back to where we left off and catch each other up. It has been 10 years since the 2nd Nat'l closed and 11+/- yrs. since the B'way show closed. If you have done "Miss Saigon" with either Nat'l tour or B'way, you are considered family. Also meeting up with us later was Mike Flanigan and Melinda Chua. We had the best time!!! Thanks goodness for friends and "family".
By this point, our boys were beyond themselves (we were there for 4 hours). They were given m&m cookies and hot cocoa and they were zinging from their seats by the time we were ready to leave. The sugar or something must have hit. It was wild!! So, off Greg and I went to feed them. We took the subway back to our place and stopped into Giordano's Pizza. It truly is the best Chicago pizza!!! We had a lot to eat and they eventually calmed down. Now, Greg and I had some "drinks" that seemed to help the zaniness of our boys. LOL!!!

Great night and more tomorrow as we head to the Field Museum.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Favorite Things

It's been quite festive here in Chicago. Yesterday, we stayed in all day except my jaunt out to the grocery store. Geoffrey has been coughing so we decided to keep him inside for the day and rest. Fortunately for us, he had homework to do since he took some days out of school to visit here. Nonetheless, this is the time of year where I make my favorites and they have become my boys' favorites. They love my peppermint hot cocoa! So, starting from here till X'mas, they get a cup of their favorite hot cocoa for the day. It's fun!
Our other favorite when we are here is Garrett's popcorn.

The boys had a chance to see "Young Frankenstein, The Musical". It's nice to have my boys old enough to sit through a show. They had a really good time and all the "other R-rated" jokes flew over their heads. Thank goodness! Thank you to Judy, the company mgr., for getting us the best seats in the house. It was my third time seeing it and Mel Brooks is brilliant. He still amazes me. His humour is amazingly smart! The boys had a chance to see Bob conducting in the orchestra pit. They had a good time watching everything go on. Fun day for all!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday at the Park

Today, we took it easy. It takes a couple of days for the boys to adjust and just wind down from seeing their dad. Yesterday was also a busy day.
We didn't do much today other than head to the grocery store. One of my favorites here is Potash Bros. market. It was fun to walk in the brisk weather and enjoy the city life. I love to walk and cities provide the best walking for me. I think the kids are getting used to it. Sebastian will get a little tired on occasion and so we'll stop at a park or something to rest his tootsies and then within 5 minutes he'll tell me he's ready to walk again.
This time we stopped at the park that I know of near the Chicago Fire Dept. It's right next to the Water Tower Place and has its jungle gym for the boys to climb and run. Last time we were here, we were staying at the Seneca Hotel (a great hotel with kitchen and separate bedroom) and found this park for Geoffrey to play. It was on the way to the theater and so we would always stop here for him play. Sebastian was too little then, but not this time. The boys had a blast. This time we're only a block north of the Seneca in a quaint little corporate apt. called 900 DeWitt place. We played at this park before grocery shopping and after. My boys have a pretty easy time making new friends at new places so all the kids were playing tag. Very cute and very fun for them.
That is all we did today and it was enough. Tomorrow Greg is off and it'll be a busy day for us. The kids will get a chance to see the show Wed (matinee) which they are excited about. It's great that they are old enough to sit through a show and enjoy it. Geoffrey enjoys the sets moving off and on and Sebastian will love the dancing and music.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy Holidays....While the merry bells keep ringing,

Again, the weather is pretty amazing here in Chicago. We really lucked out so far. We took the kids down Michigan Ave toward the theater since Greg had to go to work (2-show day). We came across the Holiday Light Festival here. We had been to this once before when Geoffrey was only 2y.o. The nice red tents were passing out hand warmers for everyone. Hmmmm.....I guess it'll be cold once the parade starts (@ 5:30pm). There was so much stuff going on walking down Michigan Ave. Freebies galore!! Well, it was being put on by Disney so it was all about their new shows and movies coming soon. This translated to posters, toys, etc for the kids. It was a lot of fun and a lot of people. But, I don't mind the people. The Chicagoans are the nicest people. People weren't pushing or shoving and the kids always went first. Kind of reminded me of Japan.
We get to the theater and it was great seeing all the old "Producers" people. Geoffrey knew these people since he was 18 mos. Sebastian was a "Producers" baby.....born while they were in L.A. A lot of fun. We had a fabulous lunch next to the theater named "Ruby of Siam". Their Tom Ka Kai was delicious!!! Very good. We had enough left overs for dinner.
Greg had to go back to work so we headed back down Michigan Ave. because the kids saw the Disney store and with our handy dandy coupon, the kids got to purchase a little toy and received free Disney Lightflashing paraphernalia. I have to hand it to Disney. The store was PACKED, but the line moved ever so quickly. They were extremely organized and that makes me so very happy!!!!
We head to the Water Tower Place (mall) for a bathroom break. Boys had to go! So, off we went and since I wanted some tea, we stopped at Teavana. I ended up with a lovely tea called Swiss Melange (herbal). I must say.........it's wonderful! I might have to get some more before I head home. The boys enjoyed the decorations.
Then it's to the Hancock Bldg since we are only a few blocks from there. They had the cutest train set with all the holiday decor. The boys stayed there for quite some time. I was fascinated by it as well. The details in the scenes were so full. One could have stayed there for over an hour soaking up all the lovely "towns".

Now, those of you who didn't get a chance to read up on Geoffrey............he LOVES cheesecake! Well, right in the Hancock Bldg is The Cheesecake Factory. We get in line and found that we accidentally cut in line, not intentionally. There were so many people there that we didn't realize we had walked into a line. The couple behind us were so sweet! They told us to just stay there and put in our order. We get Geoffrey's slice of cheesecake and head back to the hotel.

Another great day in Chicago.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Razzle Dazzle
Here we are in Chicago. We are visiting my husband who is on the musical, "Young Frankenstein". It's my 5th time here? Here with Saigon, then with The Producers, Sweeney Todd, Pippin...
I love coming to Chi-town! The people are just so awesome. It has always felt very "homey" to me and yet it's a metropolitan city. Full of wonderful stores, culture, and the food is out of this world. The flight is only 4 hours long so not too bad when it comes to travelling with children.
Our day started yesterday from the Oakland airport. It's always pretty stressful for me when travelling with children. Even after doing it for so many years (my oldest started at 17 mos. and he's now 8y.o.; youngest started travelling @ 6 mos.), it's just filled with anxiety for me. I have to keep the kids occupied while waiting, slip on shoes ONLY due to security, backpacks filled with snacks (they are allergic to nuts).
We flew Southwest because it was direct to Midway. If I can, I avoid O'Hare airport at all costs. It is such a nightmare airport....busy, delays, FAR from Chicago, terminals are miles apart, etc. Southwest was great in that they allowed us to preboard due to my kids. As you know, they do not have reserved seats and my concern was being split up in a very full flight. Kudos to Southwest for that, but I was disappointed with the guys loading the plane. He kept saying, "preboarding for families with children under 4". Well, my youngest is 5 and very tall. Thought about just sneaking on, but the guilt ran over me and I tried to follow the rules. So, we sat there waiting for our "group" to be called. When they preboarded us, I heard the guy say, "she was just sitting there..." I wanted to turn around, but thought, nope....get our seats first and then complain later. I know where my priorities are when it comes to flying.
Southwest is truly a no thrills airline. I packed the DVD player and DVD's for the kids to watch (this is a staple, even if they have screens on the back of each seat (sometimes they don't work)). Their backpacks had lunch and their snacks and DS games. Due to security, I am forced to buy drinks at the airport at $4 for a bottle of water. I hate that, but what do I do. Go with the flow here.
We arrive and I had already had car service arranged since it wasn't any less or more than a taxi ride. With 2 children, 3 huge pcs. of luggage, and carry-ons.....no way was I going to wait in a taxi line. NO WAY! Chicago Limo Service was great and they got us to our corporate apt in good time. Very nice driver, but then again, I have always had nice encounters with Chicagoans. Great suggestions for food from him.
The boys were so excited to see Greg. It was all fun and I wanted to keep them awake since I try to keep them on pacific standard time. We go back and they go straight back to school the next day so it's easier to stay with our time.
We awoke to a lovely day a few blocks off Michigan Ave. We take a nice stroll to the Navy Pier because our boys absolutely love the Chicago Children's Museum
We always get our membership there because our boys go there more than three times a week to play with all of their fun exhibits. With the membership, we get free or 50% discount off all other museums in the U.S. Definitely worth it for us since we travel a lot when Greg is on the road.
There are so many things for the boys there. Because Geoffrey attends a Science Magnet, he gets his academic fill here at the museum. This year, Geoffrey really wanted to play Chess with Greg on their room size, floor board, chess room. The pieces are about as tall as Sebastian. Unfortunately, they replaced the large chess floor board with an ice-skating rink and a lot of snow play. It was fine because Geoffrey enjoyed what was there.
We'll be here for another 12 days or so. Many more museums and people to see.
I love coming to Chi-town! The people are just so awesome. It has always felt very "homey" to me and yet it's a metropolitan city. Full of wonderful stores, culture, and the food is out of this world. The flight is only 4 hours long so not too bad when it comes to travelling with children.
Our day started yesterday from the Oakland airport. It's always pretty stressful for me when travelling with children. Even after doing it for so many years (my oldest started at 17 mos. and he's now 8y.o.; youngest started travelling @ 6 mos.), it's just filled with anxiety for me. I have to keep the kids occupied while waiting, slip on shoes ONLY due to security, backpacks filled with snacks (they are allergic to nuts).
We flew Southwest because it was direct to Midway. If I can, I avoid O'Hare airport at all costs. It is such a nightmare airport....busy, delays, FAR from Chicago, terminals are miles apart, etc. Southwest was great in that they allowed us to preboard due to my kids. As you know, they do not have reserved seats and my concern was being split up in a very full flight. Kudos to Southwest for that, but I was disappointed with the guys loading the plane. He kept saying, "preboarding for families with children under 4". Well, my youngest is 5 and very tall. Thought about just sneaking on, but the guilt ran over me and I tried to follow the rules. So, we sat there waiting for our "group" to be called. When they preboarded us, I heard the guy say, "she was just sitting there..." I wanted to turn around, but thought, nope....get our seats first and then complain later. I know where my priorities are when it comes to flying.
Southwest is truly a no thrills airline. I packed the DVD player and DVD's for the kids to watch (this is a staple, even if they have screens on the back of each seat (sometimes they don't work)). Their backpacks had lunch and their snacks and DS games. Due to security, I am forced to buy drinks at the airport at $4 for a bottle of water. I hate that, but what do I do. Go with the flow here.
We arrive and I had already had car service arranged since it wasn't any less or more than a taxi ride. With 2 children, 3 huge pcs. of luggage, and carry-ons.....no way was I going to wait in a taxi line. NO WAY! Chicago Limo Service was great and they got us to our corporate apt in good time. Very nice driver, but then again, I have always had nice encounters with Chicagoans. Great suggestions for food from him.
The boys were so excited to see Greg. It was all fun and I wanted to keep them awake since I try to keep them on pacific standard time. We go back and they go straight back to school the next day so it's easier to stay with our time.
We awoke to a lovely day a few blocks off Michigan Ave. We take a nice stroll to the Navy Pier because our boys absolutely love the Chicago Children's Museum
We always get our membership there because our boys go there more than three times a week to play with all of their fun exhibits. With the membership, we get free or 50% discount off all other museums in the U.S. Definitely worth it for us since we travel a lot when Greg is on the road.

We'll be here for another 12 days or so. Many more museums and people to see.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I"m Going To Wash That Curl Right Out of my Hair
Some of you may or may not know, but I"m really picky when it comes to people cutting my hair. Why? Well, it starts in 4th grade when my mom takes me to get my hair cut. My cousin, Teresa, comes along since my aunt thought she could use a haircut as well.
I won't give dates, but it was a loooong time ago and hairdressers did NOT know how to cut Asian hair........let alone a 4th graders hair. To make a long story short, we leave with permed hair, short, and coiffed. I...............was..................horrified!!!!!
So that's is my PTSD for my hair stylist issue.
Fast forward to living in L.A. and finding the most fabulous hair stylist in Beverly Hills. I paid a lot as a college student, but it gave me more in return. I had no anxiety, stress, or anything remotely fearful when I had my haircut by Nick at Bruno & Soonie's.
The other importance of my hair is that I had headshots that needed to remain the same or else I would have to pay an arm and a leg for new headshots because of a new haircut. So, Nick was my hair god! Loved him till he moved to Phoenix.
It's not easy having Asian hair and finding someone who knows how to work with it. It's doubly difficult to find someone who understands Asian curly hair. You see most non-Asian people think we ALL have stick straight hair. NOT ME! It's all waves on my scalp.
Fast forward to San Francisco Bay Area where I live now. The progress has been huge and/or hair dressers "get" my hair. After finding a fabulous man, Jay, at Oxenrose, I find he left. sigh again!
Today I find someone who cuts my hair. Was I nervous? A little, but not stressed because I'm so much older and wiser? Nah, just more "go with the flow" attitude nowadays. He does a pretty darn good job. The thing is that he flat-ironed all of my hair. It's stick straight. The cut looks good though, but the verdict is still out if my hair will look good when the curls come back. But, as for now, I have straight Asian hair! Go figure!
I won't give dates, but it was a loooong time ago and hairdressers did NOT know how to cut Asian hair........let alone a 4th graders hair. To make a long story short, we leave with permed hair, short, and coiffed. I...............was..................horrified!!!!!
So that's is my PTSD for my hair stylist issue.
Fast forward to living in L.A. and finding the most fabulous hair stylist in Beverly Hills. I paid a lot as a college student, but it gave me more in return. I had no anxiety, stress, or anything remotely fearful when I had my haircut by Nick at Bruno & Soonie's.
The other importance of my hair is that I had headshots that needed to remain the same or else I would have to pay an arm and a leg for new headshots because of a new haircut. So, Nick was my hair god! Loved him till he moved to Phoenix.
It's not easy having Asian hair and finding someone who knows how to work with it. It's doubly difficult to find someone who understands Asian curly hair. You see most non-Asian people think we ALL have stick straight hair. NOT ME! It's all waves on my scalp.
Fast forward to San Francisco Bay Area where I live now. The progress has been huge and/or hair dressers "get" my hair. After finding a fabulous man, Jay, at Oxenrose, I find he left. sigh again!
Today I find someone who cuts my hair. Was I nervous? A little, but not stressed because I'm so much older and wiser? Nah, just more "go with the flow" attitude nowadays. He does a pretty darn good job. The thing is that he flat-ironed all of my hair. It's stick straight. The cut looks good though, but the verdict is still out if my hair will look good when the curls come back. But, as for now, I have straight Asian hair! Go figure!
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