Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Billy Elliott

No, my oldest son doesn't take dance classes or has any real interest in singing or tapping. Well, I guess he taps or does the jig when he has his flip-flops on cuz he likes the sound. I titled this Billy Elliott because of my issues with what occurred this morning.

It's pouring down rain here and the boys are all getting ready to go to school. They put on their rain coats (with hoods) and my oldest decides he wants to bring the umbrella that we had bought for him when he was 5y.o. Oh, how adorable! Even though he's 8y.o., he still has that little boy in him and I love that! The umbrella goes up and 2 frog eyes stick up. The umbrella is bright green and his rain coat is the typical yellow raincoat with hood, zipper and hooks to close up the coat. Gosh, he's cute and still so very sweet.

As we are driving to school, I realize all the other kids have the typical umbrella. Kids his age have regular umbrellas, kids his age have the regular umbrellas, kids his age have the regular umbrellas....................oh no, is my son going to get teased at school for having his frog umbrella? Maybe it's even cooler that he has this type of umbrella. So, I ask my son if he would rather have my umbrella (typical) for school or just use his hood. Nope, he wants his umbrella. How awesome that he wants it and is confident with it. What if some boys at school tease him? This might be my own projection. But, if he does get teased, it'll kill me.........think Vivian....teachable moments here! If I tell him not to take his umbrella, then he'll be upset that mom took it away. What do I do? Oh God, goddesses, universe, help my son through this if he gets teased. Give him the power of persuasive rhetoric!! Vivian, you must let go and allow life to teach its lessons. Don't be one of those parents who coddle their kids to the point where they have no ability to make decisions on their own.

We get to school and he happily says, "Bye Mom! See ya afterschool." I see the back of his bright yellow raincoat and 2 frog eyes sticking straight up above him on his green umbrella. It only takes us 5 minutes to drive to school. sigh..........I hope I did the right thing.

Comments anyone?


Ai said...

Oh Viv,

What a sweet sweet story!!! I can totally picture every moment as you death-gripped the steering wheel while your brain was going a mile a minute but you still squeezed out a smile for your boys.

In my "not-quite-as-experienced-in-mommyhood-but-I-have-lots-of-nieces-and-nephews" opinion, you did the right thing and you're a fabulous mother for worrying but ultimately letting your little man go through his life experiences, good or bad.

I still see Dylan run around and as I spot a potential "minor" risk for a head bump or trip, I keep myself from rushing to prevent it because I know that one little bump to the head will teach him in one try what my preventing it and warning him would teach him in months, maybe years!

Of course I try everything to keep him from getting really hurt, but the minor bumps are life's best lessons. Physically and emotionally.

After all that, he'll probably come home and not even mention the umbrella. Which is a good thing!

Ahh motherhood. I love it!!! Vivian, you're wonderful and I love you!

Vivian Sam said...

Thanks Ai. You're the best!