Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Too Darn Hot!!!

I've been away for awhile..........sorry! So busy as the school year starts to come to an end. Teacher appreciation week, field trips, etc. So fun and yet so busy.

So, our minivan read 100 degrees yesterday @ 3pm. What? It's really hot right now. We typically get that 3pm breeze here, but it was just a hot breeze. Out came the slippery slide for the boys. They stayed cool this way and no cooking. Not having it right now. Too hot!

Still hot now, but a bit cooler....I think. Not sure. We Bay Area-ites get so spoiled when the temperatures get extreme. We're wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.....but isn't that what we pay for? Oh well. Needless to say, most of us don't have a/c because we normally don't need it.

Well, off to take the boys to their swim lessons. Maybe it's BBQ time for dinner tonight.

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